We’ve Still Got Your Back
PAL has updated its policy wording, giving some wider medical definitions and making things clearer for you.
There is a broadening of cover definitions for dislocations, damage to hearing and sight. This wording also has a larger font and easier to read layout.
There are also some regulatory entity changes on the MetLife portion which do not affect the cover.
The new wording is effective from 1/7/24.
Our website has been updated to provide the following documents for your reference.
- Updated policy wording (July 24)
- Updated Policy IPID
- Key changes summary for customers (July 24)
The MoD will be uploading amended documents to its systems, and providing communications in due course. An outline of which can be seen HERE
We have more positive changes in the pipeline, and are always looking for people to contribute suggestions of positive changes we can make to the policy. If you have a suggestion or want to be part of our focus group, please let us know at info@palprotect.co.uk.